Emergency Assistance Plus® (EA+®)
We know the value of planning for the unexpected.
No matter what emergency may strike, we'll always have your back.

Emergency Assistance Plus (EA+)
No matter where you are in the world, we'll have your back.
Welcome to the MooseVIP EA+
Online Validation Center!
Today’s provisional registration was set up to speed validation of your enrollment in an important Moose member entitlement — the MooseVIP Emergency Assistance Plus (EA+) Program.
EA+ stands as a critical safety net against emergency expenses your health insurance usually will NOT cover.
It helps you handle almost any crisis while you’re away from home for a few days or weeks at a time (whether you’re on a short trip just a few hours away … traveling on business or with your family … or even out of the country).
That means EA+ helps make sure you’re getting the medical care you need. That you’re getting it QUICKLY. And gets you home to recuperate if necessary.
You’ll also receive 1,000 Moose Rewards Points when you validate your Moose EA+ Status today!
Please review your Member Guide carefully.
Your Personal “Medical Team”…
How EA+ Helps You Handle Emergencies
Why face an emergency alone or waste time searching the internet late at night?
MooseVIP EA+ automatically steps in to help you with more than 20 emergency and medical services … to help you focus on your recovery and NOT on the costs (or even details like lining up second opinions or flying a loved one home). Take a look at everything EA+ does for you:
- Medical Evacuation
- Medical Assistance
- Assistance For Companions
- Transportation Home
- Other Vital Travel Assistance
- Emergency Medical Monitoring by an EA+ medical expert to make sure you get the best care in a medical emergency.
- Air Ambulance or Emergency Medical Evacuation if deemed medically necessary to get you to a more appropriate medical facility quickly if your current facility can’t properly treat your medical condition.
- Medical Specialist Sent to You if your condition can’t be evaluated by phone and you cannot be moved and local treatment is unavailable.
- Continuous Updates to a designated family member and/or a physician to keep them informed during your medical emergency.
- Transfer of Insurance Information to Medical Providers to assist with admission and to ensure your medical care is not delayed or denied.
- Cash Advance for Medical Payments paid directly to the hospital or physician against your valid credit card to keep your medical care going.
- Prescription Replacement Assistance if your medications are lost or stolen.
- 24-Hour Doctor/ER/Dentist/Attorney Locator Assistance to help you quickly find a professional no matter where you are in the world.
Validate your MooseVIP EA+ privileges now
- One Round-Trip Economy-Class Airline Ticket to bring a loved one to your bedside if you’re traveling alone and become hospitalized.
- Airfare Home for Dependent Children or Grandchildren who are left unattended if you’re unable to care for them due to your hospitalization.
- Emergency Message Forwarding Assistance if you are unable to reach a family member or traveling companion during an emergency.
- Pet Care and Return Home Assistance if you’re traveling with a pet and cannot care for them due to an accident or illness.
- Ticket Home for a Traveling Companion if you are evacuated, transported home, or pass away while away from home.
Confirm your EA+ entitlement now
- Transportation Home after hospitalization via a one-way airline ticket, arranged and provided by EA+ at no cost to you.
- Nurse Escort provided if deemed medically necessary to help ensure you get proper medical care during your trip home.
- Return of Deceased Remains service to bring your body home if you pass away while traveling.
- Vehicle Return if you can’t drive your vehicle back home because your medical condition prohibits it AND your companion can’t drive it either.
Activate full EA+ services now
- Destination Intelligence regarding weather, travel, health, inoculations, travel restrictions, and special events.
- Real-time Security Intelligence in the event you feel threatened by political unrest, social instability, weather conditions, or health hazards.
- No-Limit Emergency Cash Transfer Assistance (against your valid credit card) if cash, credit cards, or traveler’s checks are lost or stolen.
- Lost Luggage Assistance helps you track down any lost luggage, personal items, or documents.
- Document Replacement Assistance if important documents like your passport, driver’s license, or birth certificate are lost or stolen during your trip.
- Language Interpretation Assistance to connect you with an interpreter over the phone if you’re traveling in a foreign country and require translation assistance for medical emergencies.
- Assistance Making Flight Arrangements, securing visas, and with other logistics if you decide to leave a threatening situation.
Validate your MooseVIP EA+ status now
This is only an outline of the plan’s features. Hospitalization is a requirement to be eligible for some services. All services must be arranged and provided by EA+. Please read your Member Guide carefully to understand all the services available to you, as well as any rules and regulations. Click to view a sample of the EA+ Plan details. Washington state residents must be traveling more than 100 miles away from home to be eligible for EA+ services.
Arranged by: MooseVIP EA+ Program
P.O. Box 26860, Phoenix, AZ 85068
You Don’t Risk a Penny Today …
EA+ Iron-Clad 100% Money-Back Guarantee
The MooseVIP wants you to be absolutely sure EA+ is the right safety net for you. That’s why even though you send payment today, there’s NO RISK for you with the EA+ 100% Money-Back Guarantee:
As soon as you validate your EA+ status, you’ll be mailed an official Member Guide. This document details all the critical emergency and medical EA+ services standing by your side. Look it over for a full 30 days.
Then, while you’re fully protected, you can decide whether to keep MooseVIP EA+. If it’s not what you had in mind, just let us know and you’ll promptly receive a full, 100% refund as long as you do not use the services during that time.
That means you can confidently validate your MooseVIP EA+ status today … knowing you won’t be out even one penny if you change your mind. Please close this important gap in your Moose member benefit file now.
After the 30-Day Free Look, Moose Reward Points will be issued to members.
32¢ a day …
Act now to avoid any possible price increase
Can you imagine what you’d pay for on air ambulance on your own? To fly a specialist in to supervise your care? To fly in a loved one and then fly you both back home with you in the care of a nurse escort if deemed medically necessary? Or to have someone drive your stranded vehicle back home … even over thousands of miles?
Now compare those sky-high costs to the bargain rate for MooseVIP EA+:
For less than 32¢ a day … $9.50 a month … just $114 for a full year, you can lock in this solid emergency “safety net.”
And only $30 more covers your family.
Validate your EA+ status now to lock in this low rate
Your Moose member benefits team squeezed rates as low as they could go when setting up MooseVIP EA+. But due to the rising cost of emergency and medical services, these bargain rates may be going up in the future.
But when you take care of this in the next 10 days, we’ll hold your EA+ rates down for an entire year — guaranteed.
It’s just an extra-mile Moose member perk … set up as a special “thank you” reward for acting right away on this Validation Notice.
When a crisis strikes …
How MooseVIP EA+ stands up to real-life emergencies
The true test of any program is how it reacts under fire. And EA+ has already proven to be a life-saver for Moose members. Here are just a few of the real-life emergencies EA+ has handled:
Bad Fall Requires Nurse Escort Home
Every year Bob and Esther winter in Rio Grande Valley, TX. While visiting friends on the way home, Esther took a bad fall. Her injuries were severe: both cheekbones were broken and her left eye socket was shattered. Bob called EA+ after she was stabilized at the hospital, and it was deemed medically necessary by the treating physicians and EA+ medical team, that she should be moved to a facility near their home, where their son worked and would help supervise her recovery.
Because of the extent of her injuries, EA+ provided a nurse escort to go with Bob and Esther all the way to the facility. EA+ arranged ground transportation, wheelchairs, and the nurse watched over Esther the entire flight, monitoring her oxygen levels and medication, and making sure Esther was comfortable. Also, because the EA+ medical team advised Esther’s medical condition warranted extra space on the plane, EA+ also paid for upgraded tickets for Esther and the nurse.
“I don’t know what I would have done without EA+. Everything was so smooth and we were treated wonderfully. It took all the stress out of this situation. The EA+ program … is the best investment I ever made. I recommend it to everyone … all the people I have told about this can’t believe the kind of service I received.”
— Bob and Esther
Lansing, Michigan
Road Trip Cut Short Due to Stomach Virus
“Our annual road trip to enjoy springtime in the Appalachians was cut short when my husband was hospitalized for a stomach virus and dehydration.
“Due to the long journey, the treating physician did not recommend that my husband and I drive our van home. Instead, I called the EA+ Coordinators for help. Once my husband was medically cleared to travel, EA+ went into action, making flight arrangements for us to return to Massachusetts.
“While our EA+ services also provided for coordination of vehicle return, we decided that a family friend would drive the van home, so EA+ flew that friend to our van, allowing us to fully focus on my husband’s recovery and not the stress.”
— Beverly Johnson
Boston, Massachusetts
Emergency Brain Surgery Required During Vacation
“When a blood clot was found in my brain while we were vacationing in Michigan, I had to undergo an emergency surgery immediately.
“After the surgery, my wife contacted the EA+ Coordinators for help in returning us home to Texas. Once the treating physician and EA+ doctors determined that I was healthy enough to fly home, EA+ Coordinators made travel arrangements for us. The EA+ Coordinators made sure to make arrangements for our car to be returned to Texas, flying our son in to drive it back.
“We made it back home safely, thanks to the EA+ Coordinators that made everything so easy on us.”
— Andrew Mason
San Antonio, Texas
Set up your EA+ safety net now
Horseback Injury Rules Out Airplane Travel
“Our summer vacation to Wyoming was cut short when I fell off my horse. We were traveling with friends to enjoy the Wyoming summer and some horseback riding. Unfortunately, the fall left me with six broken ribs and a punctured lung.
“My husband called EA+ representatives for assistance in returning us home to Nebraska. After discussing the case with an EA+ Physician, the attending physician advised against air travel with concerns about changes in air pressure and the effect it would have on my injured lung. Having driven up in our friends’ truck, there was no comfortable way to transport me back home. As it was medically necessary, EA+ coordinated ground transportation to get us all the way home safely.
“Thankfully, it was determined that I did not require readmission to a hospital in Nebraska. My husband was able to drive me home safely, leaving our horses with our friends in Wyoming.”
— Jane Smith
Omaha, Nebraska
Other Moose Members Have Asked:
The most common questions about EA+
Q. Why set up my “provisional” registration for EA+?
A. Because it’s the quickest way to get you protected since you already have coverage through the MooseVIP. And with our active lifestyles, we felt it was imperative to activate full EA+ privileges for as many Moose members as possible … as quickly as possible.
Plus, acting right away also helps lock in your Moose member bargain price. EA+ rates are currently as low as they can go. And when you validate your EA+ status in the next 10 days, you’re guaranteed a less-than-32-cents-a-day price for a FULL year.
Q. I already have medical insurance. Why lock in MooseVIP EA+, too?
A. EA+ is NOT medical insurance. It’s an important stop-gap between what your medical plan covers … and emergency expenses most health insurance plans usually do not cover. EA+ coordinates and provides emergency air or ground ambulance evacuation when medically necessary. It steps forward to help you ensure your medical care can continue while the administrators sort out health insurance details. It provides medical monitoring to oversee your treatment and even helps your loved ones stay “in the loop” with a 24-hour emergency message relay service.
Plus, EA+ goes the extra mile for you by coordinating and providing plane tickets to fly a loved one to your side if you become hospitalized while traveling alone away from home. It also coordinates and provides airfare home for your spouse or unattended children if your trip is cut short by hospitalization due to your medical emergency. It coordinates and provides someone to drive your vehicle home if you and your traveling companion can’t.
Lock in your MooseVIP EA+ services
Q. How do I use EA+ once I validate my status?
A. Your official EA+ Identification Card will be mailed to you in your Welcome Packet as soon as you complete your validation. This customized I.D. lists the toll-free hotline dedicated to the MooseVIP EA+ Program. (You’ll want to keep this I.D. in your wallet. Most Moose Members tuck it right next to their medical plan I.D. card.)
Then if you’re suddenly faced with an emergency when you’re traveling away from home (whether you’re on a short trip … traveling on a business trip … or on a vacation), just call the toll-free hotline. EA+ will immediately jump in from there.
Or if you’re planning a trip and want help with visas … inoculations … or assistance lining up proper medical care for a current health condition, just call the toll-free hotline, or the collect number if you are overseas, for valuable pre-trip help.
Q. How does the MooseVIP EA+ Program help me earn Moose Rewards Points?
A. Every member is already enrolled in the Moose Rewards Program. And each has an opportunity to participate in the MooseVIP Emergency Assistance Plus Program. When you enroll in EA+, 1,000 points will be awarded to you. You can use these points to: pay member dues, attend conventions or Moose events, and even redeem for merchandise, cash, and gift cards!
To learn more about the Moose Rewards Program, click here.
This is only an outline of the plan’s features. Hospitalization is a requirement to be eligible for some services. All services must be arranged and provided by EA+. Please read your Member Guide carefully to understand all the services available to you, as well as any rules and regulations. Click to view a sample of the EA+ Plan details.
As a Moose Member in good standing, you are unconditionally guaranteed the right to full EA+ services — no matter what your current health … driving record … or future traveling plans.
You (and your family members) cannot be turned down. But you must validate this important Moose privilege in the next 10 days.