Get the most out of your Moose membership
Take advantage of our wide range of benefits designed to protect you and your family's well-being.
Protect your family's dreams for tomorrow
Learn how you can save money and provide financial security for your loved ones.
24-hour protection when you need it most
To handle almost any crisis away from home, use EA+ as your back-up plan.
Protection. Peace of Mind. Savings. Exclusive Member-Only Benefits & Discounts
Emergency Assistance Plus
With your active lifestyle, it’s crucial to have a solid back-up plan in place to help you handle almost any crisis away from home.
Cancer Care Insurance Plan
Don’t let your nest egg fade away while trying to pay for cancer treatment. The MooseVIP Cancer Care Plan helps cover the cost of cancer by providing you with cash benefits when you need it most.
Individual Term Life Insurance
Let us help you get life insurance checked off of your “to-do” list. Life Insurance Central guides you through the process until you’re covered.